Custom Order Number Pro for magento 2
The Custom Order Number extension for Magento 2 ensures customization of order, credit memo, shipment, and invoice numbers with any letters, Magento 2 order number prefixes, suffixes, random numbers, counters, or date/time variables as per the specific requirements of businesses.
This means, the extension will allow the orders to be presented in the format of ORDXXX18 while the invoices can be presented in the same or different format related to Invoice.
- Customized name and numbers for order, invoice, shipments, memo
- Set Prefixes, suffixes, counters, date variables, random numbersÂ
- Letters, date & time variables, suffixes, prefixes, and letters for order number format
- Resetting counters on daily, monthly, yearly basis
- Billing document number and Order increment ID
- Keep same or different values for all order related documents
- Invoice numbering system for satisfying the legal requirements
- Incremental intervals for specific order, invoice, shipments, memo numbers
- Customized starting order number and order number length
- Random numbering system
Business Value

The default order numbering system for Magento 2 custom order number extension can turn out complicated in the overall structure. Moreover, it might also become quite tedious to handle other documents having numbers. Store owners might be required to customize the respective order numbers for easily managing them or keeping sales information accurate.

Magento 2 change invoice number or Custom Order Number extension offers help to the Magento store administrators for changing order number, incrementing ID prefix for protecting sensitive business data, and keeping a track of order numbers effectively. The Magento 2 add prefix to order number also helps in attracting new customers by revealing a professional order number system.
Set Meaningful Order Number
Magemart Magento 2 custom order number extension will allow to store the order, invoice, shipment and credit memo number in a meaningful way. While having multiple stores, sometimes it is required to have the invoices store wise, this extension helps you in solving this and turn your onetime customers in potential and loyal customers.
Besides this, extension solve many issues of default Magento 2 order number system and help in branding your store. Using this extension admin can easily manage the store order, invoices, shipment, credit order number system and help your customers and store owner to easily recognize the store orders.
- Order setup actions
- Invoice setup actions
- Shipment setup actions
- Memo setup actions
- Specify the order number format
- Manage counters
- Set custom order number incrementing values.
- Manage start From, Increment By, Counter padding options
- Manual or auto Reset Counters

- Keep same as order with change of Prefix
- Specify the custom Invoice number format
- Manage Invoice counters
- Set custom invoice number incrementing values.
- Manage Increment By, start From, Counter padding options
- Manual or auto invoice Reset Counters
- Use same as order number with custom Prefix
- Specify the custom shipment number format
- Manage Shipment counters
- Set custom shipment number incrementing values.
- Manage Counter padding options, Increment By, start From
- Manual or auto shipment Reset Counters
- Specify the custom Memo number format
- Set same as order number with custom Prefix
- Manage Memo counters
- Set custom credit memo number incrementing values.
- Manage Increment By, Counter padding options, start From
- Manual or auto memo Reset Counters